Chapter 1: Jesus is the Son of God
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 9/19/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter One Overview
Chapter One Lesson Guide
In this chapter the children will learn that God the Father sent hIs Son, Jesus, to be with us. Jesus is God’s greatest gift.
The children will learn:
-God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to be with us
-Jesus is human like us
-Jesus did things only God can do
-Jesus, the Son of God, taught us about God the Father and God the Holy Spirit
Activity: Jesus, the Center of Our Lives
Chapter One Family Activity
In this chapter the children learn that God the Father sent his Son, Jesus, to be with us.
Click here for the activity "Jesus, the Center of Our Lives."
Distribute the activity sheets and read the directions. Give each child a sheet of yellow or brown construction paper, a half sheet of green construction paper and a craft stick. Have each child glue the activity sheet to the yellow or brown construction paper, color the flowers, and then cut it out. Help the children glue or tape their flowers to the craft sticks and make construction paper leaves.
Suggest that the children display their flowers at home. Say, Every time you see your flower, remember that Jesus is the center of our lives.
Chapter 2: Jesus Gives Us the Church
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 9/19/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview
Chapter Two Overview
Chapter Two Lesson Guide
In Chapter 1 the children learned that God the Father sent his Son, Jesus, to be with us. In this chapter the children will continue to learn about the work of Jesus and the beginning of the Church.
The children will learn:
-Jesus gathered many followers to be His disciples
-Jesus died and rose to new life
-Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit
-The Holy Spirit helps the Church to grow
Activity: The Story of Pentecost
Chapter Two Family Activity
Jesus Christ Gives Us the Church
In this chapter the children learn that the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. On this day the Church began.
Click here for the activity "The Story of Pentecost."
Distribute the activity sheets and give each child a sheet of construction paper. Read the directions. Help the children arrange the sentences in the correct order (1. Early one Sunday morning... 2. The disciples heard a noise... 3. They saw what looked... 4. The disciples went out... ). Ask for a volunteer to tell what happened next (Peter spoke about Jesus to a large crowd of people). Have the children write the sentence on the blank strip.
Have the children gather in the prayer space. Pray, "Holy Spirit, help us to tell others about Jesus Christ."
Answer: The correct order of the sentences is:
1. Early one Sunday morning the disciples were together in one place.
2. The disciples heard a noise like a strong wind.
3. They saw what looked like flames of fire over each of them.
4. The disciples went out into the street. 5. Answers will vary.
Chapter 3: We Celebrate God's Love
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 10/24/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter Three Overview
Chapter Three Lesson Guide
In Chapter 2 the children learned about the work of Jesus and the beginning of the Church. In this chapter the children will learn more about Jesus, the sacraments, and ways we worship God.
The children will learn:
-We belond to the Catholic Church
-Catholics celebrate God's love by praying and worshiping
-Our Church celebrates with seven special signs called sacraments
-Jesus is present with us in the sacraments
Activity: We are Catholics
Chapter Three Family Activity
In this chapter the children learn that we belong to the Catholic Church. They learn that Catholics throughout the world share and celebrate certain things.
Click here for the activity "We are Catholics."
Distribute the activity sheets. You may want the children to work in small groups. Suggest that the children refer to their texts before writing their answers. Have the children color the picture. When they have finished coloring, ask them to stand and join hands. Pray together: "Jesus, we pray for all members of the Catholic Church. May we work together to share your love with all people."
Answer: Some of the ways that Catholics throughout the world share and celebrate include: (answers will vary) the belief that Jesus is the Son of God; the belief that Jesus suffered, died, and rose again to save us; God's life and love; and a call to help and serve others as Jesus did.
Chapter 4: We Celebrate Baptism
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 10/24/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Leson and Overview:
Chapter Four Overview
Chapter Four Lesson Guide
In Chapter 3 the children discovered more about Jesus, the sacraments, and the ways we worship God. In this chapter the children will learn about the Sacrament of Baptism.
The children will learn:
-at Baptism we become children of God and members of the Church
-at Baptism we receive grace, a share in God's life
-we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with special words and actions
-we can show that we are children of God by what we say and do
Activity: The Light of Christ
Chapter Four Family Activity
In this chapter the children learn about the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism. They learn that at Baptism our parents and godparents promise for us to keep Christ's light burning within us. They learn that as children of God we are to share Christ's light with others.
Click here for the activity "The Light of Christ."
Distribute the activity sheets. Suggest that the children keep the calendars in their rooms and mark them at the end of each day this week. If time permits, have the children act out different ways of sharing Christ's light with others.
Chapter 5: We Celebrate Confirmation
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 10/24/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter Five Overview
Chapter Five Lesson Guide
In Chapter 4 the children learned that at Baptism we become children of God and members of the Church. In this chapter they will learn that the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The children will learn:
-we celebrate the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation
-Confirmation seals us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and strenghtens us
-We celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with special words and actions
-the Holy Spirit helps baptized Catholics and confirmed Catholics
Activity: A Reminder
Chapter Five Family Activity
In this chapter the children discuss that God the Father and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us as our Helper and guide.
Click here for the activity "A Reminder."
Distribute the activity sheets. Help the children make Holy Spirit doorknob hangers. Have the children take the hangers home to share with their families.
When the children have finished working, have them gather in the prayer space. Sing together "Make Us Strong," #5 On the Grade 2 We Believe CD.
Chapter 8: We Learn About God's Love
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 11/28/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter Eight Overview
Chapter Eight Lesson Guide
In this chapter the children will learn about the Bible.
The children will learn:
-The Bible is the book of God's Word
-The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible
-The New Testament is the second part of the Bible
-Jesus wants us to listen to his teachings
Activity: Bible Bookmarks
In this chapter the children learn that the Old Testament and the New Testament are the two parts of the Bible.
Distribute the activity sheets, and have the children read the directions. When the children are finished coloring, have them glue their activity sheets to a piece of construction paper. Then help them cut out the bookmarks. Encourage the children to share their bookmarks with their families and to mark their favorite stories in the family Bible.
Invite a volunteer to pantomime hi/her favorite story from the Bible, and encourage the group to identify the story.
Chapter 9: God Gives Us Laws
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 11/28/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter Nine Overview
Chapter Nine Lesson Guide
In this chapter the children will learn that God gave us laws called commandments. By obeying these laws, we show love and respect for God, ourselves, and others.
The children will learn:
• Jesus taught us the Great Commandment
• The Ten Commandments help us to live
as God’s children
• God wants us to show him our love and respect
• God wants us to show that we love others
as we love ourselves
Activity: Following the Commandments
Chapter 9 Family Activity
God Gives Us Laws
In this chapter the children learn that we show our love for God and others by following the commandments. Click here for the activity "Following the Commandments."
Distribute the activity sheets. Ask volunteers to read the stories. Have the children work in pairs. Suggest that they write the story endings on the back of the activity sheet. Then have volunteer sets of partners act out their stories.
Invite the children into the prayer space. Pray together, "God, help us to follow your commandments."
Answers will vary.
Chapter 10: We Follow God's Laws
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 11/28/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter Ten Overview
Capter Ten Lesson Guide
In this chapter the children will learn about following God’s commandments.
They will learn about God’s mercy toward us when we fail to follow the
The children will learn:
• Jesus wants us to follow the commandments
• God gives each person free will
• Friendship with God is hurt by sin
• Jesus taught us about God’s forgiveness
Activity: A Modern Day Telling
Chapter 10 Family Activity
In this chapter the children read and discussed the story of the forgiving father.
Click here for the activity "A Modern Day Telling."
Distribute the activity sheets and a large piece of light colored construction paper. Have the children cut out the story frames and arrange them in the correct order. (1. Father handing bag of money to son. 2. Son showing empty bag to friends. 3. Son sitting on rock. 4. Father and son on road.) Then have the children tape or glue the frames to the construction paper. Remind the children to leave space above each frame to draw a speech balloon. Ask the children to write in the balloons what the characters are saying and then color the pictures. When the children are finished writing and coloring, ask them to share their work.
Answers will vary.
Chapter 11: We Prepare for the Sacrament of Forgiveness
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 12/19/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter Eleven Overview
Chapter Eleven Lesson Guide
In this chapter the children will learn about the Sacrament of
Penance and Reconciliation.
The children will learn:
• Jesus invites us to celebrate God’s forgiveness
• Jesus shares God’s forgiveness and peace
in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
• We examine our conscience
• We tell God we are sorry for our sins
Activity: The Story of the Good Shepherd
Chapter Eleven Family Activity
In this chapter the children read and discuss the story of the shepherd finding the lost sheep. Click here for the activity "The Story of the Good Shepherd." Distribute the activity sheets. Read the directions, and help the children complete the activity. While they are working, discuss how the story can help us know more about God's love. When the children have completed the activity, have them work in pairs. Ask the partners to use the scene sticks to retell the story in their own words. Then pray together: "Jesus, you are our Good Shepherd. Help us to follow your loving ways."
End of Chapter Test: due for completion by our next meeeting on 12/19/2022
Please complete the chapter test in the textbook. Keep this test to be turned in at our next meeting.
Lesson and Overview:
Chapter 12 Overview
Chapter 12 Lesson Guide
In this chapter the children will learn how to celebrate the sacrament.
The children will learn:
Activity: The Story of the Good Shepherd
Chapter 12 Family Activity
In this chapter the children learn that Jesus wants us to forgive others and to share God's gift of peace with them. Click here for the activity "A Story of Forgiveness." Distribute the activity sheets. Have a volunteer read the directions. When the sets of partners are finished writing, ask them to act out their stories.