Welcome to your 6th Grade Hybrid-Learning Class Page
There are at-home lessons to complete in the weeks in between our monhtly, in-person meetings. Please pay attention to which chapters are assigned, they may not be in numerical order or some chapters may be skipped. Complete the test at the end of the assigned chapter. These chapter tests will be turned in at the next in-person meeting.
CLICK HERE for a printable 6th grade assignment and meeting calendar
CLICK HERE for a detailed look at assignments and due dates from August - December
CLICK HERE for a detailed look at assignments and due dates from January - May
**REMEMBER** We will meet at least once a month, occasionally more. While the majority of the meetings will include grades 1 - 9, some presentations will break up the age groups to offer a more age-appropriate lesson. Visit the CCD calendar Page or Download the Printable Calendar