Vigil 4:30pm Saturday 8:00am Sunday 10:00am Sunday 6:00pm Sunday (not in June, July or August) Daily Mass 8am Mon-Thurs 8am First Friday (not during Lent)
Sacred Heart of Jesus support group for those who have lost loved ones and seek fellowship with others who have similar struggles will meet Wednesdays from 6pm-7pm in the Youth Center. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come.
We have a wonderful time visiting St. Mary's Italian Church and the Old Ursuline Convent exhibit-300 years of the Catholic Church in New Orleans on May 4, 2018
Addie Schmit, Gwen Robicheaux, Elliot Lastrapes Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish is proud to announce the recipients of the Outstanding Youth Award in our Archdiocese. Congratulations to these wonderful young people.
Mass Schedule for the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Sunday, December 24, 4:30pm Sunday, December 25, 12:00am Midnight with Carols at 11:30pm Monday, December 25, 8:00am and 10:00am No 6pm Mass Mass Schedule for the Solemnity of Mary The Mother of God Monday, January 1, 9:00am
The Food Pantry is in need of all items especially breakfast items, red beans & rice, peanut butter & jelly, spaghetti and noodles, canned tuna, potted meats and chicken ...
Please contact Father Ed if you or someone you know are homebound and would like to receive a visit and communion. Please call Fr. Ed at the rectory 985-764-6503.